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Our media database includes the latest news footage and archives of past Physician Associate Association UK articles. Here you will find a collection of relevant publications and reports dating from the profession’s inception in 2003, all the way up to the present day. Check out some of our featured articles below and learn more about our efforts.

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Teenage Girls with Masks

Update on PA & AA Regulation/ Wider Regulatory Reform- Department of Health and Social Care latest position

25 July 2022

The FPA has issued a statement today:


''Together with @RCPhysicians, we at the FPA welcome the @DHSCgovuk's update position on #physicianassociate regulation and wider regulatory reform as they set out a timetable for bringing #PAs into regulation.''


Read the complete statement


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A Better Tomorrow

Physician Associates – let’s bring forward regulation - Jessica Morden, Labour MP for Newport East, Wales

2 March 2022

''Having talked to Physician Associates in Newport East about the vital role they play in the NHS, I took the opportunity to ask the Sec. Of State to bring forward long-awaited regulations to help them play an even bigger role in the health service.''



Below is the response from Conservative for Faversham and Mid Kent, Helen Whately 13 July 2022:


The Department’s consultation ‘Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public’ closed on 16 June. The consultation sought views on proposals to modernise each of the healthcare professional regulators’ legal frameworks and on the proposed approach to introducing statutory regulation for physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs).

The reforms will update the General Medical Council’s (GMC) current legislation, enabling it to bring PAs and AAs into regulation under a new, modernised framework. We plan to publish the consultation response in the autumn. A further consultation on the draft legislation that will bring PAs and AAs into regulation will follow. We are working with the GMC to ensure that regulation of PAs and AAs begins as early as possible in the second half of 2022.

Written questions and answers - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament



Collective Bargaining Basics

9 Jun 2019

No-one understands the day-to-day working lives and the challenges faced by Physician Associates better than PAAUK. 


As a Trade Union, PAAUK will provide individual and collective representation. We will stand up for the rights of the

profession and fight hard to champion the great work we do.


Every member will receive workplace protection and we will defend and promote the collective interests of Physician Associates. 


PAAUK will represent the interests of members and maintain or improve conditions of employment. 


Membership benefits will include:


Expert support and representation


Employment support - immediate access to professional advice and assistance in industrial relations and professional matters; plus formal representation at local and national disciplinary hearings.


Legal advice and support - representation at a local as well as national level; plus a legal helpline.


Trade Union status will give us recognition for collective bargaining purposes. PAAUK and our representatives will benefit from legislative rights such as:


The provision of information.


The right to be consulted on any proposed changes.


Collective and individual representation of members.


Facilities and time off work for accredited representatives' Trade Union work.


PAAUK will have a democratic structure and governance, ensuring the voices of members of PAAUK will be heard during the decision-making process.


Watch this video to understand what is meant by Collective Bargaining:

What is Collective Bargaining? - Bing video




A Better Tomorrow

Closed consultation

Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public


Department of Health and Social Care


24 March 2021


We are seeking views on proposals to reform the regulation of healthcare professionals and to introduce statutory regulation of physician and anaesthesia associates.

This consultation ran from
12:15am on 24 March 2021 to 11:45pm on 16 June 2021

Consultation description

The UK model of regulation for healthcare professionals is rigid and complex and needs to change to better protect patients and service users, support our health services and to help the workforce meet future challenges.

This consultation seeks views on proposals to modernise the legislation of the healthcare professional regulators. The proposals have been developed in partnership with the professional regulatory bodies, the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care and tested with key stakeholders across the health and care system.

The proposed reforms cover 4 key areas. These are:

  • Governance and Operating Framework

  • Education and Training

  • Registration

  • Fitness to practise

The consultation also seeks views on the proposed approach to introducing statutory regulation for physician associates and anaesthesia associates.

A consultation document is published as part of this consultation.


Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public

PDF, 930 KB, 110 pages

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